
Costa dels Pins

As its name suggests, the Costa dels Pins (Pine Tree Coast) is on a slope running down to the sea from the island’s Llevant Mountains. These mountains run from the county of Artà to Felanitx in a discontinuous chain that never rises above six hundred metres. The mountain behind the resort protects it from the north winds and separates it from the town of Canyamel in the municipality of Capdepera.

The Costa dels Pins juts into the sea and has a multitude of coves, the best known of which are Sa Marjal and Es Rajolí. They are perfect for those looking for a quiet beach and ideal for snorkelling and diving to see the marine fauna of our coast. A very popular spot with visitors is the Cap des Pinar lookout point, to the north of the Costa dels Pins, with its spectacular views over the whole of Cala Millor bay. There are also attractive hiking routes that link the Costa dels Pins with Canyamel.

The Costa dels Pins is mainly a residential zone with many luxurious houses and is famous for its architecture. Its residents include a large number of well known artists and captains of industry who have chosen this area for their summer residences. It has a small shopping centre with a couple of shops and restaurants, an emblematic hotel, an 18-hole golf course and, of course, unbeatable scenery. The small shopping centre is to the north of the main beach and can be reached on foot, by public bus or on the mini tourist train.


What's going on Costa dels Pins?

Sant Joan Festivities

24 June Son Servera This is the saint’s day festival of Son Servera and it has been celebrated for almost a century. The church of

What to do?

Bike Route Volta per infern

Distance 47,30 Km. Difficulty 2/4 Itinerary Cala Millor – Son Carrió – Sant Llorenç – Volta per Infern – Sant Llorenç – Son Carrió –

Route sa punta de n´Amer

Distance: approx. 8.80 km
Approximate time: 2 h.
Accumulated ascent: 23
Accumulated descent: 23
Difficulty: Low
Type of itinerary: Circular