
Various religious ceremonies and processions are held between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. The best known are those of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Day or Resurrection Sunday and Angel Sunday.
The different local brotherhood processions are the most symbolic of the Holy Week events. They are the Brotherhood of the Pietat (Compassion), with an image made by the sculptor Pere Pujol; the Brotherhood of the Verge dels Dolors (Our Lady of Sorrows) with a figure carved by the sculptress Remígia Caubet; the Brotherhood of Sant Crist (Holy Christ), the Brotherhood of La Verònica (the Holy Face) and the Obreria de Setmana Santa (Holy Week Wardens).
A particularly interesting event is held on Good Friday at the Església Nova (New Church). It is the representation of the Descent of Jesus from the Cross at the hands of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea in the presence of the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene. The body of Christ is carried in a funeral procession accompanied by numerous centurions and the diverse brotherhoods to the church of Sant Joan.
On Easter Sunday the Encounter is celebrated in the Plaça de Sant Joan, when the Virgin Mary encounters her resurrected son. The representation of the drama of the death of Christ gives way to the joy of the Resurrection, accompanied by music and the subsequent religious service.
On the following Sunday the “Sunday of the Angel” is celebrated and it is traditional to go out into the countryside and eat the traditional panades and rubiols (pies and sweet pasties).